Saturday, April 12, 2008

TOP 15 marketing question...

Impak Maxima Episode 2.

Part 1

HI everybody, enjoy the movie?
While watching the movie here, why not try to get some valueable information about the marketing.. hehehe.... From The topic above here I listed all the 15 top question that we gonna discuss. But I will not discuss all the entire 15 topics one shot. I will publish it here 1 by 1 so that you will not get boring..

Question No 1:

How do I get hits?

This has to be the number one question asked by online marketers, and I come across it regularly, and for good reason. After all without getting hits to your site you can't sell anything. The problem is not only do most people go about this the wrong way, but when this question is approached either directly or through guides, they're giving incorrect answers too, which, if you've asked it before, will consist of buying some sort of service or some sort of ad that will solve all of your traffic problems. Although this may seem like the way to go at first glance it's actually totally counter productive to your efforts.

One thing I want to point out to you first is that your initial aim isn't to get hits to your site at all, and getting a massive amount of them isn't a priority. Understand that you only need to pull ten or twenty thousand hits in total, ever, to your sites to make them successful. Of course this will go up as you progress through your resource building, and that's key here. The resources that are built and that you can use over and over again. (That’s your big 5, affiliates, list, customers, long term customers and joint venture partners).

Part 2

The problem comes when someone tells you to go out and buy ads from wherever it might be, search engines, e-zines, whatever. If you don't have the resource collection methods set up to collect the big 5, you're going to have to be starting all over again with your promotion every single time you launch a product. This is the exact reason that, no matter how many hits some marketers get to their sites, they will never earn more than a couple of thousand dollars a month profit, if that even.

The second problem comes when people assume, or are indeed told, that you need to get hundreds of thousands of hits to be a success. This is definitely not true either, although again I see how it may seem like that on the surface. That's why I always teach intro products and followup large products, because lets face it, how many $1200 products do you need to sell in a month to equal your current personal income from your job, if you have one, or to reach your goals of having more free time, more money in the bank etc.

Also, lets not lose sight of why we started in online marketing in the first place. It definitely wasn't to spend massive amounts of cash trying to get your website stats to read high numbers. Numbers don't mean quality, no matter what anyone tells you, this is fact. Compare one single 10k list of joint venturing to 100k subscribers of an e-zine ad. I assure you, for a start, you'll get more click throughs from the JV in the first place but put the numbers together and you'll get a far higher percentage of sales through the single quality joint venture.

So how do you get more hits to your site? Well first off the question is void because more rarely means you'll get better results. Look for quality, and the answer is joint venturing, building these resources, and having others promote your products for really high commissions to attract the numbers. If you're only hitting a few thousand hits per month from these joint ventures, that's not a problem. Forget guaranteed hits, forget e-zine ads for directly promoting your site and forget search engine positioning. They might bring you more in the way of numbers, but it's big sales we want, not big numbers. In that situation always think quality over quantity, which is what the whole of this report is teaching.

So ask me again when you’ve carried out a couple of joint ventures and have begun to build your affiliates, your customer base, your contacts and your list, how do you get hits to your site? That’s why you’ve been building your resources. That’s where your visits and sales come from. The more products you launch, the more resources you gather, the easier this is. The most expensive time consuming part is getting started. After this, it’s cheap, quick and easy to recycle what you’ve gathered to produce a never ending flow of visits and sales.

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