Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What's The Secret Of Success?

Ready? The reason why some people succeed and some people fail, in starting a home based business, in weight control or anything at all: Albert E.N. Gray did a lot of research and figured it out. Here it is:"The common denominator of success-- the secret of success of every person who has ever been successful-- lies in the fact that "THEY FORMED THE HABIT OF DOING THINGS THAT FAILURES DON'T LIKE TO DO."
This is great news! If this is the key; the secret to success or failure, then we can use this information to transform our failures into success, right?Let's take the MLM industry, for example. People go to great lengths to research starting a home based business, and learn all about how to attain financial freedom in a top network marketing company. They have the skills, they have the desire, the presence to connect with people, the start-up capital, everything required to succeed. But so often they don't. And now we know why. They aren't committed. They aren't willing to do whatever it takes to realize their dreams, CONSISTENTLY. They thought it would be a piece of cake. They did what their upline told them to do, but they only did what was agreeable to them. They didn't sacrifice anything. They only did the minimum, instead of the maximum. Sometimes people treat their home based business like a hobby. They don't feel responsible for whether it burgeons or bombs. It was the fault of the comp plan, or the products, or the marketing materials, or their kids... get the picture? If we really are determined to learn how to attain financial freedom when starting a home based business, we have to decide up front that no matter what it takes, we WILL succeed, and we won't stop until we have. Because even if you're part of a top network marketing company, if you don't commit, you won't make it.Harv Eker has a great saying that goes something like this: If you will do what others won't for a few years, you can do what others CAN'T for the rest of your life. Harv knows how to attain financial freedom, and he will tell you, loud and clear, that if you find a top network marketing company and want to learn how to achieve financial freedom by starting a home based business, then you do what it takes in the beginning and for as long as it takes. Then! When others are struggling to make ends meet and are afraid to retire because they don't know how they'll survive financially, you'll be living in the lap of luxury, traveling, buying an estate home, or whatever floats your boat. You will then have the choice of doing only WHAT YOU WANT, because you're still receiving passive income from starting a home based business with a top network marketing company.Gray suggests that we may assume that the successful ones enjoy doing what we don’t enjoy doing. This is not the case, he says. “Successful people are influenced by the desire for pleasing results. Failures are influenced by the desire for pleasing methods and are inclined to be satisfied with such results as can be obtained by doing things they like to do.”In order to think and act like a successful person, we have to have a big enough reason to do whatever it takes--including things we don't like to do. In the MLM industry, this is called our "Why". If you don't have a big enough why, you won't be committed enough to do what it takes. It's that simple. There's one sure fact you can take to the bank when starting a home based business, if you really want to learn how to achieve financial freedom, you just don't quit. You haven't failed until you quit.

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